1.Is it better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consult other people?
Well as a matter of fact, its a sort of chicken-and-egg sort of problem and little wonder that like many other philosophical questions,we do not have categorical/simple answer to this one, i’m afraid. However/after all, human existence is not an isolated existence. It, on the other hand, is a co-existence. I mean, we exist with others and quite naturally before coming to a decision you should get a second opinion from your friends, relatives and the people you trust and respect. But ultimately, it’s your life so I suppose you should make your own decision. Personally, I believe that you should make independent decisions obviously, after duly listening to others. However, the final decision must be your sand once the decision is taken you must be accountable for your decision.
2. Do you think good decision-making can be taught?
Well, this question reminds me of
a famous dictum that “you can lead/ take
a horse to water, but you can't make it ˈdrink.” I mean, you can give people
advice and directions-the modus operanti
and when those pieces of advice and directions are professionally done we call
it teaching or training. But after all, you cannot force them to do if they do
not want to. What I mean to say is that good decision making can be taught
provided that the person who need to be taught is aptly receptive .
Kind of decision also is equally important. For Example, if you need
to make a business decision B-schools, I mean, business schools would direct
you towards good decision making and religions serve
the best in terms of inculcating religious and moral values. But Believe me, good decision making cannot be taught,
it, on the other hand, should be `caught’. I mean, `caught’ from life’s experience.
* Make a decision
* Take a decision
* Reach a decision
* Come to a decision
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