
Tuesday, 11 June 2013



1.      Are you a student or do you have a job?
2.      What do you like most about your study?
3.      What kind of job do you prefer after your graduation?
4.      What is your major?
5.      What do you do for living?
6.      Could you tell me a typical day of yours?
7.      How do you get your job?
8.      Are you satisfied with your job?
9.      What do you like most about your job?
10.  What kind of job do you prefer in the future?
11.  Would you say it’s an easy job?
12.  Do you thing employees should be paid more for the work at weekend?
13.  What differences did you face about your job?
14.  What is your area of specialization?
15.  How important is your job?
16.  What types of jobs are popular among the young people of your country?
17.  Do you prefer working alone or with others?
18.  What do you think of your course?
19.  How helpful your study in your present job?
20.  Do you prefer being thought in a big or small class?
21.  Why you choose that university or college?
22.  Why are you studying in this?
23.  Why did you choose that subject?
24.  How can you develop your school?
25.  Did your education prepare you well for the work you doing now?
26.  Do you do anything with your college after work?
27.  What subject you found most difficult?
28.  What is the education system like in your country?
29.  What do you think is it the right time to change your carrier before or after completing your education?
30.  Which method of learning work best for you?
31.  Do you have curiosity to learn new things?
32.  What is the best time to learn new things?
33.  What is the best part of your study life?
34.  Do you think that your country has an effective education system?
35.  What is your problem?
36.  What qualification did you have to have for your job?
37.  Describe the process of getting a job in your country?
38.  What qualification did you hope to get from your study?
39.  What skill do you need for that job?
40.  Where did you first learn English / your favorite subject?
41.  Why are you studying English?
42.  What did you find most interesting about your course?
43.  Can you describe your job?
44.  Why did you choose that job?
45.  How long have been doing it?
46.  Do you meet many people in your job/studies, why/why not?
47.  Do you like much your family/friends?
48.  What you enjoy about your course?
49.  Where are you studying? Do you like it?
50.  What kind of problem did you face in your school?
51.  Have you done any field work as a part of your studies?
52.  Is there anything that makes your job difficult?
53.  Did you go to a co-education school?
54.  Would you like to change your job if given a chance? Yes/no/why?
55.  What do you find difficult about learning English?
56.  What is the best thing about your course?
57.  Which part of course you enjoy most?
58.  What is the most difficult/easier part of your course?
59.  What facilities are there in your school to help you in your studies?
60.  How many hours you work each day?
61.  What is the education system like in your country?
62.  How do you think that the system might change in the future?
63.  What responsibilities you have?
64.  What do you enjoy/describe about studies?
65.  Who do you live with?
66.  Do you spent much time with your family?
67.  How long have you been studying English?
68.  Can you describe your room to me?
69.  Do you enjoy studying English?
70.  Can you remember your first English lesson?
71.  Can you tell me about your best vacation?
72.  Who do you like traveling with?
73.  Would you briefly explain the education system of your country? Do you think there are draw backs?
74.  Would you describe what kind of work you do?
75.  What are you studying at the moment?
76.  Why did you choose it/subject/program/degree?
77.  When is the busiest time in your job?
78.  If you would change your job what would you prefer to do?
79.  Can you tell me about your philosophy of life?
80.  Could you describe about your routine?
81.  What does friendship mean to you?
82.  Why do you choose the career you work in?
83.  Do you spent any time for social work? What kind of social work do you do?
84.  How had your education helped you in your career?
85.  Can you describe your last day at college?
86.  What do you think about the idea of studying and writing at the same time?
87.  Which do you think better? Studying in a hostel / studying at home while studying in a college for higher education?
88.  Do you think extra circular activities are as important as circular studies?
89.  What do you think about student going abroad for studies?
90.  Do you plan your work schedule? What are the benefits of planning it?
91.  How should a candidate prepare himself/herself to get succeed in a job interview?
92.  Are you punctual?
93.  What do you feel when someone does not remain punctual with you?
94.  What factors can affect people in getting late?
95.  How can a person balance his job and social life?
96.  Have you ever worked/studied at night?
97.  How would you feel about working at night?
98.  What are you studying?
99.  What’s your major?
100.          Why did you choose that subject?
101.          What do you find most interesting about your course?
102.          What is your favorite subject?
103.          What do you dislike about your study?
104.          What do you hope to do after your graduation?
105.          What are your ambitions for the future?
106.          Do you hope to gain any qualifications?
107.          What are the advantages of studying instead of working?
108.          Are you a student or do you have a job?
109.          What do you like most about your study?
110.          What kind of job do you prefer after graduation?
111.          What is your major?
112.          What do you do for living?
113.          Could you tell me a typical day of yours?
114.          How do you get your job?
115.          Are you satisfied with your job?
116.          What do you like most about your job?
117.          What kind of job do you prefer in the future?
118.          Do you work or are you a student?
119.          What kind of work do you do? / What subject are you studying?
120.          Why did you choose this subject? / Why did you choose this kind of work?
121.          What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?
122.          What kind of work would you like to do in the future?
123.          What’s your job?
124.          Why did you choose that kind of work?
125.          How long have you been doing it?
126.          What is a typical day like at your work?
127.          Are there things you don’t like about it? What are they?
128.          Can you describe your job to me?
129.          What do you do for a living?
130.          How long have you been doing it?
131.          Can you describe one of your typical working days?
132.          What’s your daily routine on a working day?
133.          Why did you choose to do that job?
134.          What things do you enjoy about your work? Why?
135.          What do you think is the attraction of your work?
136.          What is your ideal job?
137.          Do you want to change your current job? Why or why not?
138.          Are you willing to keep your job permanently?
139.          What are your plans for the future?

Fr.Simon, Kerala

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